Camomille (fleurs) extrait CO2-se, intégré
Product-No.: 019.005
Matières Premières:
Chamomilla recutita – Flowers and flowering shoots, dried
By supercritical fluid extraction with natural carbon dioxide, no inorganic salts, no solvent residues, no heavy metals, no reproducible microorganisms [1].
voir spécifications
Camomile extract is used in herbal medicinal products for internal use in gastrointestinal diseases, external use in the treatment of inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes, inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system or diseases of the anal and genital area [2].*
For the flavouring of food, e.g. beverages, sweets.*
Because of its digestible and beneficial properties, chamomile is also suitable for use in food supplements.*
Due to its anti-inflammatory and deodorizing properties, chamomile extract can be used as an additive in cleansing and care products such as skin creams, body lotions, soaps, deodorants and in oral care products. The extract is also suitable as a fragrance in perfumes or other cosmetic products [3].*
[1] P. Manninen, E. Häivälä, S. Sarimo, H. Kallio : Distribution of microbes in supercritical CO2 extraction of sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) oils : Zeitschrift für Lebensmitteluntersuchung und -Forschung / Springerverlag (1997) 204: 202-205
[2] F.C. Czygan, D. Frohne, Chr. Höltzel, A. Nagell, P. Pachaöy, H.J. Pfänder, M. Wichtl, g. Willhuhn, W. Buff : Teedrogen und Phytopharmaka, 3. Auflage. : Stuttgart: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft GmbH 1997
[3] Wolfgang Blascheck u.a. (Hrsg.) : HagerROM 2017, Hagers Enzyklopädie der Arzneistoffe und Drogen : Suttgart: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart, 2017