Sauge triloba (fruticosa) extrait CO2-se (bio), DE-ÖKO-013
Product-No.: 063.010
Matière Première:
Salvia triloba (syn. fruticosa) – Leaves, dried, from organic farming
By supercritical fluid extraction with natural carbon dioxide, no solvent residues, no inorganic salts, no heavy metals, no reproducible microorganisms [1].
voir spécifications
Traditional Use:The genus name salvia is derived from the Latin salvere (to be saved), in reference to its curative properties. Salvia triloba (syn. fruticosa) has probably been utilized since 1400 before Christ since it is illustrated in the blue bird fresco in the house of Frescoes at Knossos. Infusions of salvia triloba (syn. fruticosa) are mentioned to reduce coughs, colds, sore throats and tonsillitis. Anti-diarrhoeic, antipyretic, spasmolytic and tonic and digestive effects are also described.In Cosmetics and Foods:A screening for antimicrobial activity of Sage triloba (syn. fruticosa) essential oil by agar dilution tests demonstrated a good activity against following microorganisms: Streptomyces venezuelae, Aspergillus niger, Mucor mucedo, Helminthosporium sativum, Saccharomyces cerevesiae, Alternaria solani, Aspergillus fumigatus, Cryptococcus neoformans and Candida albicans [2]. Efficacy decreases in the indicated order.Typical Applications:Sage triloba (syn. fruticosa) CO2-se extract is used in cosmetics, i. e. mouth water, tooth paste, shampoos, soaps, in perfumery, in food and beverages, in pharmaceuticals and in aromatherapy. Annex II of Directive 88/388/EEC (EEC, 1988) on flavourings sets the following maximum levels for thujone (alpha and beta) in foodstuffs and beverages to which flavourings or other food ingredients with flavouring properties have been added: 0.5 mg/kg in foodstuffs and beverages with the exception of 5 mg/kg in alcoholic beverages with not more than 25% volume of alcohol, 10 mg/kg in alcoholic beverages with more than 25% volume of alcohol, 25 mg/kg in foodstuffs containing preparations based on sage, and 35 mg/kg in bitters. Thujone may not be added as such to food [3].*
[1] P. Manninen, E. Häivälä, S. Sarimo, H. Kallio : Distribution of microbes in supercritical CO2 extraction of sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) oils : Zeitschrift für Lebensmitteluntersuchung und -Forschung / Springerverlag (1997) 204: 202-205
[2] European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy. ESCOP monographs, The Scientific Foundation for Herbal Medicinal Products. Online series. : SALVIAE TRILOBAE FOLIUM Sage Leaf, Three-lobed : Exeter: ESCOP, 2014.