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Christmas 2024

Dear customers,

The turn of the year is a good time to pause for a moment and reflect on the remarkable events of the past twelve months. We are grateful for the achievements of this year and would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the pleasant and trusting cooperation.

High environmental and social standards are an integral part of our business operations. This is one of the reasons why we have been an Ecovadis Gold Medal winner for the third year in a row. As in previous years, we have decided to donate the budget we would normally spend on Christmas cards or presents. We support the following charities around the world:

Brot für die Welt / Bread for the World
This organisation works to ensure that there is enough food for everyone. In an age of climate change and resource scarcity, the fight against hunger is more important than ever before.

Deutsche Cleft Kinderhilfe e.V.:
Comprehensive international aid for children with cleft lip and palate. Last year, four children had successful operations thanks to our donation and we are delighted to be part of this project again this year. Thanks to our support, a total of 20 children have already undergone surgery in recent years – the start of a new life for these children.

Kältebus Saarbrücken:
Mobile support for the homeless and people in need during the cold season from December to March. This bus is located in the city of Saarbrücken (Saarland), not far from Rehlingen.

May you find health, happiness and peace during the holidays and next year!

The Team of Flavex Naturextrakte GmbH

Weihnachtsgewürze 2024

© Bildagentur PantherMedia / MadeleineSteinbach